Monday, November 7, 2016

Why I Choose Trump

I notice that many right wing or pro-Republican pundits are careful not to choose a candidate. Even one of my favorite political analysts, Caroline Glick, simply pointed out why Trump has a chance to win despite all odds. He is anti-establishment and does not suffer from political correctness. You can read her excellent article here


But for undecided voters let me say what Caroline didn't here:

If you care about Israel and anti-Semitism it's really a no brainer. Hillary surrounds herself with some of the worst, powerful anti-Semites in the world. Most Jews know that our biggest enemies are self haters. Former Jews like Blumenthal and Soros (the billionaire) are 2 of her close advisors and funders. Then you have Abedin, her closest advisor for 20 years. A Muslim who has proven ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Her VP Keane is also sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood and like Hillary and her boss have been funded by states who continue to sponsor terror groups. Let's not forget about her boss who no one can argue, does not have Israel's back, despite him saying so. 

On the other hand Trump's middle east advisor is an Israeli, his top advisor is his Jewish son in law Kushner. His Jewish (convert) daughter Ivanka remains a strong force on his team. His VP Pence has always supported Israel and remains a strong advocate for her. 

Despite the establishment trying to paint Israel as the bad guy, most Americans see through the BS and remain loyal supporters. They also fear the rush of Islamic immigrants and the trouble they bring, to the US. Surely they see what is going on in Europe. You don't have to love or even like Israel or Jews to see that. While Hillary wants open borders, increase immigration from states that harbour large numbers of Islamic terrorists, is more concerned about climate change than jobs, Trump wants the opposite. For no other reason than to protect its citizens, Americans need to vote for Trump. 

Here is a short summary: Trump sometimes says stupid shit and is often painful to listen to but Hillary was directly responsible for the murder of 4 Americans in Libya and had the audacity to blame it on a video. On top of that she is currently under investigation for using an unsecured email server for top secret emails and when confronted with it, she had all 30,000 plus deleted. The damage she has done to her country is unheard of for a Secretary of State. People with similar or lesser charges have gone to prison for that. 

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